08 August 2010
24 March 2010
Babatunde Djembe performance.
"The essence of all slavery consists in taking the product of
another's labor by force. It is immaterial whether this force be
founded upon ownership of the slave or ownership of the money that he
must get to live" -Leo Tolstoy
21 January 2010
Found this today. I love it.
I Am Stoner
We are Stoner.
We go to work everyday.
We've thought about life more than you can understand.
We've values that you overlook.
We are the ones who hold your hair while your poison ejects itself.
We are the ones who can talk to the cop, since you can't even stand.
We are prosecuted by those who are jealous of our zeal.
We don't need help or your opinion, or that new fancy liver.
We are understanding, compassionate and forgiving. If the laws changed tomorrow, we would not hold spite for all the years or harassment.
We are joyous, happy and outgoing. Not only do we love the greatness we have found in life, but feel compelled to share it with you as well.
We are dependable, chivalrous and loyal. We don't smoke too much pot and accidentally screw our best friend’s girlfriend.
We are accepting, trusting and doubtless. Ethnicity? Race? Social status? Don't worry about all that, sit down and have a toke with us.
We will not give up. We will survive your trials. We will endure your lies. And sooner or later, we will win.
We are all together. We all accept each other. We are all one.
We are Stoner.
08 January 2010
Nog love

Now that it's been taken off of the shelves, I wanted to say a word about the best egg nog I've ever had. I assure you, my exuberant declaration is not the opinion of a newbie to nog. I consider myself to be something of a connoisseur, in fact. I have tried the majority, if not all, of the major and/or available brands of egg nog (non-alcoholic) and I have yet to find one that comes close to this Organic Valley offering. Those of you who never consume egg nog without alcohol are not welcome to comment on this post. I am discussing egg nog that can stand on its own and this product does so and shines! The fact that it is organic and natural is, of course, a bonus, but this nog is brilliantly executed. Unfortunately, the vast majority of egg nogs on the market are flavored to strongly, often with artificial flavors. This results in the bouquet smelling much like bubble gum flavoring. This, being the standard, sets the bar abysmally low for egg nog quality. Organic Valley's egg nog is not only exceptionally well balanced, its flavor is perfectly understated when compared to all the other offerings. I rarely, if ever, wax rhapsodic about a product, but this one blew me away this season. Kudos to you, Organic Valley! You've made an amazing product.